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This genealogy, spanning 16 generations, contains records of over 1,700 ancestors, descendants, and relatives of Roland Wiederanders and Elvira Schweers.
  • Use the “Family Cards” to navigate up or down through the generations. (Envision a huge family tree, only a small portion of which is visible at any one time.)
  • Click on a husband or wife’s name to go to their “Person Page,” where more detailed information may be available. Or click on any other name to go to a new generation.
  • To find a person by name, click “Index” and search alphabetically. Or browse through the “Surnames.”
Note: Only limited information about living persons is displayed (see Privacy Policy). Also, many family cards in earlier generations are incomplete because the ancestor’s siblings are not known.

Click here to enter the genealogy pages

© Julia Moore, 2006. All rights reserved.

This genealogy section has been constructed using Reunion for Macintosh software.  
Click on either image to begin

A “Family Card”

A “Person Page”

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